Will Recessed Gums Grow Back?

dental problems

If you are experiencing red, swollen, gums or pain while brushing and flossing your teeth it is possibly receding gums. To put it in simple words, these are gums that have pulled away from a tooth, leaving its delicate root exposed. This results in small spaces where plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, can accumulate. Subsequently, this can cause more recession. If you ignore treating it on time, it can in the long run cause bone and tooth loss.

If you are wondering to know what happens when gums recede; let’s discuss.

When Gums Recede: What Happens?

Who doesn’t love a good set of pearly whites? Your gums are vital in protecting them and keeping them comfortable in place. However, if the gums begin to pull away, bacteria can come into these pockets, exposing the roots and making them inclined to molder, and in the end, tooth loss.

Symptoms of Gum Recession: Dentist Glendale

Gum recession may happen without any symptoms. Hence attending routine dental appointments is exceedingly essential. If you visit your dentist regularly your dentist will be able to notice its early signs. The most familiar symptoms of gum recession that you may see on your own include:

  • Bleeding after brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath
  • Ache at the gumline with puffy, red gums
  • Exposed tooth roots that cause sensitivity
  • A loose tooth
  • Dried up gums

Causes of Gum Recession: Glendale Dentist

  • Poor oral health
  • Overly aggressive brushing or flossing
  • Genetics
  • Abnormal tooth positioning
  • Grinding and clenching your teeth
  • Hormonal changes
  • Trauma to gum tissue
  • Using tobacco

Even though receding gum tissue won’t grow back, there are options to treat gum recession. However, as you visit Dr. Sahakyan at Smile Makeover of LA he can measure the extent of your receded gums, to decide on a treatment plan for you. To start this evaluation, book an appointment with your dentist without any further delay. If the dentist notes that bacteria have built up in the small cavities where the gums have receded, he may start with your treatment with a deep cleaning, to take away these bacteria and slow the growth of further bacteria.

Treatment Options for Glendale Recessed Gums

dental problems

  • Gum graft surgery
  • Scaling and root planing
  • Pinhole surgical technique

Ways to help slow or stop the progression of receding gums:

  • Practice good oral hygiene
  • Wear a mouthguard
  • Use the correct brushing technique
  • Substitute ill-fitting dentures
  • Visit the dentist regularly

Gum disease is comparatively painless which is why it goes unnoticed. Some ordinary symptoms are bad breath, a bad taste in your mouth, puffed-up and red gums, and bleeding when you brush. A healthy smile includes strong teeth, healthy gums, and all soft tissue. Smile is your personal asset and should never be undervalued. Take care of your gums to enjoy a healthy smile. Appreciate how a smile contributes to your personality.

If you face any of the common conditions that are receding gums, get in touch with your dentist to determine which course of treatment may be best for you. Call Smile Makeover of LA at 818-578-2334 to book an appointment right away!