Why Do People Fear Dentists?

dental hygiene

One in five people is scared of going to the dentist. Do you count yourself among the fearful? Don’t be concerned. Researchers say your panic is natural and they advise ways to help you overcome them. It is important to know what makes some of us afraid to visit a dentist. Is it the noisy instrument that drills holes in our teeth? Is it about a stranger poking around in our mouths?
People who are extremely scared of going to the dentist may find that it affects their quality of life. This is because they spend a lot of time going to the dentist. However, research shows that people who fear dentists habitually have poorer dental health than those who don’t. If you think, you take good care of your teeth and subsequently you do not need to visit a dentist; you are wrong.
If going to the dentist sends your body into alarming mode, you are not alone. Many people have the fear of dentists. Nevertheless, it is imperative not to let your fear keep you from getting the care you need.

Why Do People Fear Dentists: Possible Reasons

  • Panic about the dental equipment
  • Fear of the dentist
  • Frightened by loud noises
  • Lack of ability to breathe well through their nose
  • Sensitive gag reflex

Smile Makeover of LA: Our Attempt to Help You Overcome Dental Fear

At Smile Makeover of LA, we follow certain things to help you beat the fear.

  • Create a Non-Threatening Environment

For anyone who’s fearful it is advised that you meet with the dentist before your first procedure. This helps you to give details about your fears and ask questions as needed. Our clinic has a non-threatening atmosphere to help patients feel more comfortable. The clinic does not look like a typical clinic. Besides, we play good and soft music to help people feel more relaxed.

  • Pre Sessions

Once you book an appointment with us and convey your fear, our team explains the procedure to you clearly. These include what you will feel, how long it will last etc. You are allowed to request breaks or ask your dentist to stop if you feel uncomfortable. Your dentist would try to get reassurance from you if he can and should continue.

  • Helping You Relax

dental problems

Often you’re stressed because you don’t know what to expect. Part of overcoming this is finding ways to unwind. We make you feel that there is nothing to be scared of at the dentist. Take big, deep breaths to help your body chill out. Use distractions like music or take any distractions like a TV etc. Keeping your mind on something other than the practice will help.

  • Dental Sedation

If unfortunately, none of the existing options work in beating your fear and anxiety, ask for dental sedation. Oral sedation or medication may help you relax. These can be exceptionally effective when the other methods can’t relieve your anxiety. There’s nothing wrong to ask for extra help to get the dental care you need.
Being scared of the dentist or apprehensive about dental appointments is more common than you may take in. The causes range from mental illness to earlier bad experiences. At Smile Makeover of LA, we help anyone who is scared and nervous. We believe that no one should feel they can’t get the dental work they need just because they’re frightened. It’s essential that you get a thoughtful, compassionate dentist prepared to work with you.
Call us at 818-578-2334 today to schedule an appointment with Dentist Glendale Dr. Sahakya.