Saliva plays an unexpectedly important role in shielding your teeth. When you eat and drink, food particles and sugars stay back in the mouth. The bacteria in your mouth feed on these elements and release acids, which erode your teeth over time. Saliva supports washing food elements and sugars away, keeping bacteria at bay. This subsequently, keeps your mouth comfortable.
Wondering to know what happens to your teeth when you experience dry mouth? Well, to put it in simple words, a dry mouth impacts your teeth quite a lot.
A dry mouth is something we all experience every once in a while. Generally, this happens when we’re nervous or afraid. It’s a normal part of the body’s apprehension response. Usually, it resolves itself whenever the traumatic state has passed. Nonetheless, what occurs when dry mouth lingers when you have it all the time? That’s not usual. It can have big consequences on your oral health. Let’s take a look at how and why enduring dry mouth can happen, and what you can do to avoid the problem and the symptoms.
Dry Mouth: What Is It?
When your salivary glands don’t produce saliva as much as they should; it is called dry mouth. A dry mouth, to put in simple words, is an indication of other medical conditions or an after-effect of certain medications. Medications that have been recognized to cause dry mouth take in hormone medications, antihistamines, antihypertensive, and bronchodilators. It’s important not to break taking your medications without consulting your doctor first.
Dry Mouth and Dental Damage: Dentist Glendale
Experiencing dry mouth? It is suggested to consult your local dentists to get a professional opinion on how you can fight it. Left alone, a dry mouth can be harmful to your oral health. This is because saliva plays a vital role in washing away food particles and sugars, neutralizing acids, and bringing back essential minerals to your teeth. Without appropriate saliva creation, you may be at greater risk. Wondering what? Let’s discuss this.
Enamel Erosion
Your enamel is the primary layer of shield for your teeth. When the bacteria in your mouth harvest acids, these acids slowly wear away at your teeth’s enamel. Saliva naturally eliminates these acids from your teeth. When you experience dry mouth, these acids sit on your teeth for longer periods, ensuing in the wearing away of your enamel.
Tooth Decay
The acids produced will begin to wear away at your teeth in the form of tooth deterioration; once bacteria have made it through your enamel. Nearly one in every five patients has one or more untreated cavities.
Gum Disease
It’s suggested to visit your local dentist at least once every six months. This is important for professional dental work. Dentists help to take away plaque, tartar, etc. They help you prevent tooth decay from your teeth to protect your enamel and your dental health. When tooth deterioration is overlooked, it can start to inflame the surrounding gums. When your gum tissue becomes disease-ridden, it can cause gum illness. Gum virus, regrettably, is one of the most common dental hitches of dry mouth.
Suffering from Dry Mouth: What to Do?
- Easing Dry Mouth
- Drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
- Using an over-the-counter saliva substitute
- Chewing sugar-free gum to boost saliva creation
- Adding moisture to dry air with a humidifier
- Brushing and flossing multiple times a day to prevent damage from plaque and acid exposure
Glendale Dry Mouth
Are you looking for a Dentist in Glendale? At Smile Makeover of LA, we have an experienced and reputed dentist Dr. Sahakyan. For more information about our dental health services or to schedule an appointment with us, call 818-578-2334.