Vital Pulp Therapy for Primary Molars

dental hygiene

Vital pulp treatment spotlights treating the pulp with the hopes of keeping hold of its strength. In simple words, instead of performing root canal treatment. In this, the pulp is completely separated. Pulpotomy and indirect pulp treatment (IPT) are the most familiar essential pulp therapies for managing deep caries in the primary dentition.
This write-up intends to discuss the consideration of pulpal status, in addition to the key principles of pulpotomies and IPT in deciduous teeth.

Glendale Vital Pulp Therapy

Successful management of deep caries lesions starts with an exact pulpal diagnosis. Such an analysis can be accomplished after the patient’s history of warning signs and clinical and radiographic findings have been re-evaluated. Measuring the pulpal status of principal teeth can be the most complex part of vital pulp therapy.
There are three reasons why analysis can be demanding. To begin with, the diagnostic tools used in the adult endodontic analysis are not dependable in primary teeth. Second, determining an exact pulpal analysis based on clinical signs and indications is almost impracticable without a histological inspection. Third, a comprehensive medical and dental history is required for a perfect diagnosis. However, children are not dependable providers of such information. Both the pediatric patient and parent/caregiver are supposed to be questioned about the child’s warning signs.
Even though it is feasible for a tooth with extensive infection to present without any history of pain, this sensation is habitually connected with pulpal soreness. While soreness caused by a spur usually means minor and reversible inflammatory changes, impulsive tenderness. This habitually indicates widespread degenerative changes that have extended into the root canal. As such, teeth with a record of unprompted twinge are not candidates for vital pulp therapy.

Evaluation Via Clinical Examination: Dentist Glendale

In addition to the history of pain, soft tissue changes, pathological mobility, and beating sensitivity should also be measured during a clinical assessment. A sinus tract or alveolar abscess is an indication of a necrotic pulp. In this case, vital pulp therapy is inappropriate. The existence of tooth mobility further than the level of what’s seen during normal exfoliation is also a contraindication for vital pulp therapy. Though percussion sensitivity can be an indication of necrotic pulp, the dependability of a child’s reaction to this test is dubious. Furthermore, the chance of causing pain during percussion testing may panic a pediatric patient. Accordingly, pulp vitality testing is also not normally used on primary teeth.

Follow-up Care


Clinical and radiographic tests should be carried out every six months on teeth treated with vital pulp therapy. Healing is considered clinically thriving when there are no clinical indications of advanced pulp deterioration. Bitewings capturing the furcation area or periapical radiographs can be weighed against preoperative radiographs to assess changes in due course. Ideally, no transformation should be noticed between preoperative and follow-up radiographs of effectively treated teeth.

Nevertheless, changes in root canals may be noted. Internal resorption and pulp canal eradication are two generally seen changes. Minor and self-limiting internal resorption can be scrutinized with no intercession required. That said, internal resorption can also be progressive and caustic, even punching the canals and involving surrounding bone. In this case, vital pulp therapy has failed and intrusion, such as pulling out, is indicated. Pulp canal eradication involves the ordinary narrowing of canals sooner or later; this is a signal of pulpal healing and is considered a treatment accomplishment.
The achievement of vital pulp therapy depends on correct pulpal diagnoses, careful operative practices, well-sealed restorations, and suitable follow-up care.
At Smile Makeover of LA, fix an appointment with Dr. Sahakyan. Dial 818-578-2334 today!