Gums, to put it in simple words, are a key indicator of your oral health. Peeling gums is an accurate name for what’s going on. You’ll detect small bits of wobbly dead tissue sloughing off your gums and the inside of your cheeks. In truth, you’re expected to chomp on them or just swallow them without giving much attention to what it is.
Peeling Gums May Be Accompanied By:
- Bleeding gums
- Staining on your gums and the inner side of your cheeks
- Changes in the feel of your gums
- Blisters on your gums
Peeling Gums: Dentist Glendale
Gum disease, to put it in simple words, is a common cause of peeling gums. Conversely, there are a number of oral hygiene products that can have a related effect. Besides failing to do what they’re expected to and eating away at your teeth, home whitening kits can as well start out a slew of issues with your gums, like peeling.
Did you observe any peeling or any other unwanted effect, for example, increased gum or teeth sensitivity, after using a whitening kit, toothpaste, or mouthwash? If so, discontinue using the product. Schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately, just to be on the safe side.
Are you experiencing peeling gums? This may be an indication of a larger health concern. Much before we learn how to hold a toothbrush on our own, we start understanding the value of keeping our teeth free from cavities. We always tend to avoid things that can add to the risk of getting cavities.
The problem is, most of us fail to value the tissue surrounding our teeth in the same way. But the gums are just as important a symbol of our oral health as the teeth. This is not just our oral health; but our overall health, as well.
There are studies to substantiate what periodontists have assumed for a while now: There’s a straight link between gum disease, also referred to as a periodontal disease, and quite a few potentially fatal diseases, that include heart disease and diabetes. People with gum disease, are at greater risk of developing certain types of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Unfortunately, too many of us still ignore it when we notice our gums are bleeding or peeling after brushing. Till we don’t have cavities, we think we are good and safe. However, they can be early caution signs of a potentially serious problem. And the longer we go on disregarding them, hoping they’ll go on their own, the bigger the risk becomes to our overall health.
If, you’ve noticed some infrequent peeling too, don’t overlook it. At times, you may hardly notice it, and it may not be throbbing, but it’s most likely a signal that something’s not right in your mouth.
Well, when it is a matter of your health it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Visit your dentist immediately. Schedule an appointment with us right away. Our experienced Glendale Dentist will find out the source of your peeling and then propose a treatment plan that will have you smiling again in no time.
Glendale Gum Peeling
If you are looking for a dependable dentist to guide you with the best process to treat your Gum Peeling problem, contact us at Smile Makeover of LA. Book a slot by calling us at 818-578-2334 to consult with Dr. Sahakyan your most reliable Dentist in Glendale.