What Is Deep Cleaning Teeth? 10 FAQs Answered

What Is Deep Cleaning TeethIn this blog post, we will answer the 10 most asked questions about deep cleaning teeth. We will explain everything in simple terms, making it easy for you to understand. Read the whole blog to learn more about this important dental procedure.

1. What Is Deep Cleaning Teeth?

Deep cleaning is a fundamental dental procedure. It cleans your teeth and gums below the gum line removing bacteria, tartar, and plaque that regular cleaning can’t reach. Regular deep cleaning is important for stopping gum disease and keeping a healthy mouth.

At Smile Makeover of LA, we provide complete deep cleaning services to keep your teeth and gums in good shape. Our experienced team, led by Dr. George Sahakyan and Dr. Stella Sahakyan, uses the latest techniques to provide you with the best care in Glendale, CA.

2. Is Deep Cleaning Teeth Necessary?

Yes, deep cleaning teeth is necessary if you have gum disease or a lot of plaque and tartar. It helps to prevent further damage to your gums and teeth. Your dentist will tell you if you need this procedure.

Our Glendale dental office is committed to providing you with exceptional dental care. If we find that deep cleaning teeth is necessary for you, we will create a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs.

3. What Does A Dental Deep Cleaning Consist Of?

Deep teeth cleaning involves two main steps: scaling and root planing. Scaling removes plaque and tartar from your teeth and gum line. Root planing smooths the roots of your teeth to help your gums reattach and heal.

At Smile Makeover of LA, our team ensures you understand each step of the process. We make your experience as comfortable as possible. Our state-of-the-art equipment helps us provide the highest standard of care in Glendale, CA.

4. Does Deep Cleaning Teeth Require Anesthesia?

Deep teeth cleaning

Deep cleaning teeth usually requires local anesthesia to numb your gums. This makes the procedure more comfortable for you. Your dentist will ensure you don’t feel pain during the cleaning.

In our Glendale, CA location, we prioritize your comfort. Dr. George Sahakyan and Dr. Stella Sahakyan will discuss anesthesia options with you to ensure a pain-free experience during your deep cleaning teeth procedure.

5. Is Dental Deep Cleaning Painful?

Do deep teeth cleanings hurt? Most people feel some discomfort but not severe pain. The anesthesia helps, and your dentist will make sure you’re comfortable. After the procedure, you might feel some sensitivity, but it will pass.

Our team at Smile Makeover of LA understands that dental procedures can cause anxiety. We take extra care to ensure your deep cleaning teeth experience is as pleasant as possible. Your comfort is our top priority.

6. How To Tighten Loose Teeth After Deep Cleaning?

To tighten loose teeth after deep cleaning, follow your dentist’s advice. Good oral hygiene is essential, including brushing and flossing regularly. Eating a tooth friendly diet and avoiding smoking also helps improve gum health.

7. How Long Does A Deep Teeth Cleaning Take?

A deep cleaning usually takes between one to two hours. The time depends on the extent of plaque and tartar buildup. Sometimes, it may require more than one visit to complete the cleaning.

In our Glendale dental office, we strive to make your visit as efficient and comfortable as possible. We will provide you with an accurate time estimate based on your specific needs.

8. Can I Brush My Teeth After Deep Cleaning?

Teeth deep cleaning

Yes, you can brush your teeth after deep cleaning, but be gentle. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid harsh scrubbing. Follow your dentist’s instructions for the best care after the procedure.

At Smile Makeover of LA, we offer detailed aftercare guidelines to help you care for your teeth post-procedure. Our goal is to ensure your teeth remain healthy and your smile stays beautiful.

9. Is Deep Teeth Cleaning Worth It?

Yes, teeth deep cleaning is worth it if you need it. It helps prevent serious dental problems and keeps your mouth healthy. Regular deep cleaning can save you from more costly treatments in the future.

Our Glendale dental practice is dedicated to providing top-tier dental health services. We believe in the value of preventative care and will work with you to maintain your oral health.

10. How Often Should You Get a Teeth Deep Cleaning?

How often you need a deep teeth cleaning depends on your oral health. Typically, it’s recommended once or twice a year if you have gum disease. Your dentist will advise you based on your specific needs.

A Final Note

Deep teeth cleaning is an important part of creating good oral health. It helps prevent gum disease and keeps your teeth strong. If your dentist recommends it, follow their advice to ensure a healthy smile. Always maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly. Your teeth will thank you!

Contact Smile Makeover of LA to schedule an appointment. Our team, led by Dr. George Sahakyan and Dr. Stella Sahakyan, is here to provide you with exceptional dental care.