Catching the Early Stages of Gum Disease

dental problemsNot only your teeth but your gums need an equal bit of attention and care. More often than not, we tend to ignore this very important part of the mouth. We probably worry only about teeth and related problems. Little do we realize that the teeth and gums are closely connected. Dental problems on the surface can take the shape of serious gum problems in no time.

However, slight awareness and regular visits to the dentist in Glendale can prevent serious gum problems later. You may prevent and deal with the early stages of gum disease if diagnosed at the right time.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is quite a common dental problem. The good news is that you may prevent it and also correct it in time. Gum disease refers to an infection in the tissues that hold the teeth in place. Poor oral hygiene practices are believed to be the most likely cause of the problem.

Detecting the Early Stages of Gum Disease

Our Glendale periodontal dentist states that gum disease may often be difficult to tell initially. This is because the condition may progress to the advanced stages rather painlessly. The patient may not be able to foresee serious trouble. However, like any other oral disease, gum disease – periodontitis too may present some symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored.

Early detection of the early stages of gum disease in Glendale can help prevent severe fallouts. Here are some of the most common symptoms to keep an eye out for:

  • Bleeding in the gums during or after brushing
  • Gums that turn red, are swollen or tender to touch
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth that lingers
  • Gum recession
  • Deep pockets form between the teeth and gums
  • Loose or shifting teeth

If you notice any or all of the above, please contact your Glendale dentist at Smile Makeover of LA immediately. You may not be sure whether it’s gum disease but early examination always helps. If anything, your dentist would be able to help you in time to seek relief.

Can Gum Disease be Treated?

dental problems

Your dentist will be able to detect the early signs of the disease through an oral examination. They may then discuss the possible treatment options to nip the condition in the bud and prevent further progression. Remember that advanced stages of gum disease may even result in permanent tooth loss. It’s therefore advisable to consult your dentist at the earliest.

Some of the common non-surgical treatment options for gum disease include professional dental cleaning and scaling and root planing. In case your dentist so deems, they may even advise you to go for surgical procedures for gum disease. These surgeries may be flap surgery or pocket reduction surgery, bone grafting, soft tissue grafts, tissue regeneration, and bone surgery.

It’s always best to seek advice from your dentist at the Glendale office for the best treatment option in your case. Depending on the stage of the disease, they’d be able to recommend the best choice. In case of early identification of gum disease at the initial stages, non-surgical procedures may be able to help with further damage.

If you wish to know more about periodontitis, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a Smile Makeover of LA. You may book an appointment at 818-578-2334. Call us for a consultation on gum disease and the best possible treatment option in your case. We would only be happy to assist you with all your queries. Remember early prevention is always better than an expensive cure.