Treatment of Tooth Mobility

dental problemsLoose teeth or tooth mobility, as it’s often known, can be a cause of concern in adults. In children, it’s considered quite normal though because milk teeth naturally become loose and fall off. They need to give way to stronger, permanent teeth. However, when permanent teeth start getting loose in the jaw, it’s time to consult your dentist in Glendale. Dr. Sahakyan at Smile Makeover of LA is an expert in dealing with tooth mobility issues. He’d advise you on the right treatment for the same.

Why Do Adult Teeth Loosen Up?

Let’s understand the causes of tooth mobility:

  • Trauma caused to the tooth/teeth because of accidental injury or heavy fall
  • Malocclusion such as deep bite that causes an excessive chewing force on the teeth making them mobile
  • Bruxism or habitual teeth-grinding, consciously or unconsciously
  • Periodontitis or gum disease
  • Recession of gums
  • Gum abscess
  • Cyst or tumor in the jaws

Your dentist would be able to further explain the problem and its possible causes. Do consult the dentist in Glendale on your next visit to Smile Makeover of LA dental clinic.

Symptoms of Loose Teeth

Make sure to visit Dr. Sahakynan, considered to be the best dentist in Glendale, if you notice any of the following:

  • Redness of tissues around the tooth
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Difficulty chewing food
  • Sore or sensitive gums

Your dentist would assess the situation using clinical instruments and gently moving the tooth back and forth. If the dentist is convinced that the tooth has become mobile, he or she would suggest appropriate remedial measures.

How Can Tooth Mobility be Treated?


Dr. Sahakyan, the best dentist in Glendale, says that in order to treat a loose tooth, it’s important to treat its cause first. This may involve different methods.

  1. If it is determined that mobility is because of an incorrect bite, you may be suggested treatment for bite correction to relieve the traumatic occlusion.
  2. If a cyst or tumor is causing pain and mobility, treating it makes sense first.
  3. Gum infection can be controlled with thorough professional dental cleaning at the clinic and curettage.

Besides that, Dr. Sahakyan may suggest correcting the level of the reduced bone by adding bone grafts. In case that mobility is grade 2 or grade 3, it can be fixed by splitting the mobile tooth and restricting any movement.

Failing all of the above treatment procedures for tooth mobility in the Glendale clinic, your dentist might advise tooth extraction. Generally, it’s the last resort followed by dentists in case the prognosis is poor.
Your Glendale dentist might also recommend replacing the lost tooth with a dental implant if you so wish. You can consult the dentist on all possible options for the treatment of tooth mobility in the Glendale dental office.

Prevention of Tooth Mobility

You can keep yourself away from tooth mobility by following good oral hygiene practices at home. However, anyone might be at risk of getting a loose tooth because of any of the causes mentioned earlier. Still, there’s no reason to worry; you can always get in touch with your dentist in Glendale for more advice and assistance on it.
Here are some preventive measures that can help keep teeth strong and lasting:

  • Brush them twice a day every day
  • Floss them once daily
  • Avoid smoking
  • Visit your Glendale dental clinic at least twice a year.
  • Get professional dental cleaning at least twice a year

Call 818-578-2324 for more advice on tooth mobility, its causes, symptoms, treatment, and preventive remedies. Visit Smile Makeover of LA to prevent and treat tooth mobility.