What Is a Dry Socket? A dry socket, to put it in simple words, is the incident of beating pain about two to four days after you […]
Will Recessed Gums Grow Back? If you are experiencing red, swollen, gums or pain while brushing and flossing your teeth it is possibly receding gums. To put […]
9 Most Common Dental Problems Dental problems should never be left untreated. Well, nothing to panic about! The good news is that most of them can be […]
What Does Smoking Do to Your Teeth? When you smoke your teeth get exposed to both tobacco and nicotine. Accordingly, stained, yellow teeth and bad breath are expected. In […]
Time to Straighten Your Teeth: 10 Health Dangers of Having an Unaligned Smile Dealing with twisted teeth can make you feel awkward. If you have an unaligned smile, the issue is not how you look, […]
Consequences of Missing Teeth Tooth decay or traumas are major causes of tooth loss. Well, there is nothing to panic about. The good news is it […]
How Do I Know If I’m Grinding My Teeth? Woke up with a headache? Are you experiencing tight jaw muscles? These are just some of the indications of you might be […]
Why Are Some People Born Without Wisdom Teeth? Teeth undeniably play a significant role in our everyday lives. However, there comes a time in most of our lives, generally around […]
How Can Crooked Teeth Impact Your Health? Crooked teeth do not only spoil your smile. Most importantly, it can critically have an effect on your health. The reality is, […]